What I Got Wrong—and Right—in 2024
Jan 03, 2025
Let me start by sharing a hard truth: I got it all wrong when it came to addressing my fungal and bacterial overgrowths. What I thought was a step toward healing actually made my symptoms worse in 2023 and early 2024, but those missteps taught me valuable lessons that I’m excited to share with you.
Two years ago, I was just like you—doing everything “right” for my health. I ate clean, exercised regularly, experimented with biohacking, and prioritized sleep. Yet, I struggled with persistent constipation, bloating after meals, and a weak immune system. Frustrating. Especially when you're a Board-Certified Health Coach.
Despite increasing whole foods, fasting, cooking at home, drinking hydrogen-rich water, and stepping up my HIIT and resistance training, I still wasn’t thriving. That’s when I realized I needed help outside of myself. Even experts can’t see the whole picture inside the frame.
I contacted my mentor teacher and her Functional Nutrition team, and they quickly pinpointed the root issues: subclinical hypothyroidism and SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). After multiple breath tests confirmed my SIBO—specifically methane-dominant IMO (Intestinal Methane Overgrowth)—I realized these archaea (hardy single-celled organisms) had likely been thriving for years inside my gut.
Archaea are so resilient they can survive in Yellowstone’s boiling hot springs! My methane abundance had even shown up in my 2018 Viome lab test.
I dove deep into the research of SIBO experts like Dr. Allison Siebecker, Dr. Mark Pimentel, and Dr. William Davis. What I learned surprised me: no single “diet” can cure an overgrowth. That’s why I bypassed the low-FODMAP diet and jumped straight to targeted protocols to “kill” the overgrowth.
>30ppm or a 6 on the Food Marble confidently suggests SIBO is present within a 3hr Breath Test window. Normal is less than a 4 or <20ppm. *What's a lettuce sandwich? lol I meant lettuce wrap.
When I took antibiotics and antifungals without proper oversight or drainage support, I inadvertently fed the systemic fungus in my body. By early 2024, my fungal issues were manifesting dramatically—Malassezia coming out of my scalp, clogged ears, and eventually, a trip to critical care during a humid trip to Hawaii. That’s when I learned an important fact that led to many revelations later:
Did you know that most antibiotics ARE fungus?! So, my innocuous script of amoxicillin is made from penicillin from the Penicillium mold. (Kaufmann, 2018)
When I was stateside, I went to Urgent Care again because the antibiotic wasn’t working (no surprise, because it wasn’t a bacterial infection) I asked the Physician’s Assistant if the fungus on my scalp had anything to do with the issue in my ears, he said flatly, “There is no connection with your ear infection and your scalp.”
Just to recap: I added more fungus to my fungal overgrowth and took prescription corticosteroids, which made my “fungus amongus” have steroidal strength! Which is why I had fungus clogging my ears and coming out of my scalp!
So, as I kept reading the research on fungal overgrowth and treatment, “fungi such as Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, and Malassezia can ascend the entire length of the GI tract and release their toxic breakdown products, which are distributed to the rest of the body. In some people, fungi manage to escape the GI tract and take up residence in other places, such as the underarms, through the esophagus, vagina, groin, and brain. (Davis, 2022)
Yes, the brain.
I had to ask myself, what compromised my gut so badly to have all this fungus and bacteria overgrowth called dysbiosis?
Some Reasons For My IMO/Gut Dysbiosis
- History of reproductive issues (undiagnosed endometriosis/PCOS)
- History of Abdominal Surgery (Ovarian Cyst Removal)
- Constipation
- Moving in 2021 to a 90-year-old beach house (renovated in 2011) with a history of flood and a recent roof leak
- Stress (hello, horrible public health recommendations the last 4 years, building an online business, earning multiple certifications, and a recent wedding that was both beautiful and stressful)
- Gluten sensitivity (HLA-DQA1 & A2 Genetic Variants)
- Genetic Methylation issues/nutrient deficiency (MTHFR Genetic Variants)
- Occasional glass of wine and (15 years living in Sonoma County drinking lots of California wine)
- Getting SARS-COV-2 three times and other prior viral infections
- International travel
- Subclinical Hypothyroid (Sluggish Thyroid)
- Living under a busy flight path
- History of Food Poisoning
- High allostatic load (toxins, parasites, herbicides, pesticides, etc.) (Sarna, 2021)
That’s the problem with chronic issues, it’s A+B+C+D+F. Addressing just A or F might help, but it wasn’t enough to recover from my symptoms.
So, what has been my answer?
Let's First Identify What I Missed
- Ignoring increasing signs of bloating, constipation, mood, and weight loss resistance. The statistics are wild. Between 35-84% of people with IBS have SIBO. Of those with SIBO, 60% were caused by food poisoning. 100% of people with Fibromyalgia have SIBO, as do the majority of people with fatty liver, diverticular disease, food intolerances, gallstones, autoimmune and neurodegenerative conditions, and Type 2 diabetes. (Davis, 2022)
- SIBO/IMO is not a root cause. It’s a microbiome/gut dysbiosis problem that many people have, but it’s not the bottom.
- Drainage. When you are constipated or alternate from diarrhea to constipation, you have a drainage issue. I didn’t know that it is what you must address first—drainage out your colon, otherwise toxins will find a way out of your other detox pathways such as your lungs or skin. This was a hard lesson but one I will never forget. I call the module Waste Management in my gut detox course.
- All health roads lead to addressing the exposome (inner and outer toxins) as it is driving 90% of chronic diseases. This is why I first look at my clients’ detoxification genes, assess for environmental toxins and infections, and then support the nutrient deficiencies and nervous system. If any chronic symptoms are left, I will use functional tests and support the findings with nutritional and lifestyle recommendations.
- Not a quick fix. In my particular case, it hasn’t been a quick fix due to the time from all the things that added up to my overflowing toxic bucket. Healing is not returning to the old you but stepping into the new one.
What Would I Do If I Could Do It All Over Again?
- Get support, solve constipation/diarrhea (aka: drainage), and take a comprehensive symptom self-assessment and gut detox, then take functional tests for health optimization.
- Don’t ignore the signs for SIBO/SIFO:
- Food Intolerances
- Fat malabsorption
- Persistent or recurrent skin rashes
- Specific health conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, any autoimmune condition, fatty liver, fibromyalgia, IBS, chronic constipation, rosacea, psoriasis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, depression/anxiety
- Taking stomach acid-suppressing or anti-inflammatory drugs
- Lack of stomach acid
- History of opioid drug use
- Hypothyroidism
- History of abdominal surgery
- Type 2 diabetes
- Obesity
- Fibromyalgia
- Worsened symptoms of UC, Crohn’s, and celiac disease
- Autoimmune conditions
- Depression, anxiety
- Fatty Liver
- Diverticular disease, diverticulitis
- Colorectal cancer
- Neurodegenerative disorders—Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, MS
- If your home has a history of flood, leaks, or musty smells, test and start to mitigate moisture in the house, which can lead to mold/fungal overgrowth and affect your health.
What I Learned and What You Should Know
Here’s what I wish I’d understood sooner:
- SIBO/IMO Is a Symptom, Not the Root Cause. Treating bacterial overgrowth without addressing underlying issues—like systemic fungal infections, parasites, and environmental toxins—can worsen the imbalance.
- Drainage Is Key. When your body can’t correctly eliminate toxins due to constipation or poor detoxification pathways, those toxins find alternate routes—like your skin, kidneys, or lungs. Supporting colon drainage is step one in my recovery process and the foundation of my gut detox course.
- Your Environment Matters. A history of mold exposure, moisture, or musty smells in your home can wreak havoc on your health. Addressing your environment is non-negotiable in chronic cases.
- Comprehensive Healing Takes Time. When it comes to health, it’s often a Catch-22. Sometimes, healing happens quickly; other times, it’s a journey of a thousand miles. Quick fixes rarely work for chronic health challenges. Healing requires addressing the exposome (internal and external toxins) while supporting nutrient deficiencies, gut function, and your nervous system.
Are You Ignoring the Signs?
Here are some red flags for gut dysbiosis, SIBO, or fungal overgrowth:
- Food intolerances
- Toenail fungus, jock itch, UTIs
- Persistent skin issues (rashes, rosacea, psoriasis)
- Fat malabsorption or bloating
- Chronic fatigue, anxiety, or depression
- A history of mold exposure, abdominal surgery, or long-term medication use
Left untreated, these imbalances can lead to a worsening of autoimmune conditions, neurodegenerative diseases, and metabolic issues like Type 2 diabetes or obesity.
Ready to Take Control of Your Health?
If I could start over, I’d prioritize drainage, seek professional support, take a functional gut test* or toxin test, and self-assess fungal overgrowth right away. That’s why I’ve developed a comprehensive gut detox program to help you identify and resolve these issues, step by step.
Start your journey today with my free symptom self-assessment and complimentary session.
Let’s work together to uncover the root causes of your symptoms and create a personalized plan for lasting health. Learn more about my group courses and VIP services.
*These tests are not meant as diagnostic or prognostic. Rather, they are based specifically on assessing the need for and efficacy of the dietary and supplemental strategies.
Davis, W. (2022). Super Gut: A four-week plan to reprogram your microbiome, restore health, and lose weight. Rodale Books.
Sarna, S. (2021). Healing SIBO: A comprehensive guide to the causes, symptoms, and treatment of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Victory Belt Publishing.
Kaufmann, D. A. (2018). The fungus link to women's health problems. BioMed Publishing Group.
Adalsteinsson JA, Kaushik S, Muzumdar S, Guttman-Yassky E, Ungar J. An update on the microbiology, immunology and genetics of seborrheic dermatitis. Exp Dermatol. 2020 May;29(5):481-489. doi: 10.1111/exd.14091. Epub 2020 Mar 16. PMID: 32125725.