Catching the Deluge in a Paper Cup
Jan 21, 2025
Have you seen Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy on Netflix yet? I loved the creativity and insights shared by the speakers. The entire time, I couldn’t stop thinking about how deeply connected our environment is to the health of our bodies.
The documentary highlights how much of what we produce—fast fashion, plastics, electronics, and even homes—is built for speed and profit. But this convenience comes at a steep cost, much like the processed foods and sedentary lifestyles shaping our modern health outcomes.
One speaker mentioned that when we discard our trash, many imagine it disappearing into some magical recycling system. The reality? Most waste ends up in one of two places:
- Buried underground
- Burned into the atmosphere
And isn’t that what happens in our bodies when waste becomes unmanageable?
- It gets buried deep in our cells.
- It creates inflammation: heat, swelling, redness, and pain.
Our cells are “oxidizing” (breaking down/aging) under the pressure of increased environmental toxins. Similarly, coral reefs oxidize in our oceans, disrupting marine biodiversity—just like toxins and poor nutrition disrupt our gut microbiomes. The parallel between our environment and our health couldn’t be clearer, and the consequences are significant. Tell me you see it too.
So, what can we do?
Here’s where we can make meaningful change by transforming what we do have control over: our micro-environments—our homes and our bodies. The key? Clean up water, food, and air.
I’ve put together a simple, actionable steps below to help you get started. Air is a great focus point, especially since many of us are working from home. Did you know we take about 20,000 breaths per day? According to the American Lung Association, that’s around 80 pounds of air daily—compared to the 3-5 pounds of food we consume. The quality of the air we breathe matters more than most people realize.
- Air Purification: Run HEPA air purifiers 24/7 and use HEPA vacuums to reduce pollutants, allergens, and toxins in the air. We use a Vollara Air Filter in the bedroom and a Shark vacuum.
- Add air-purifying plants like snake plants, spider plants, or peace lilies to naturally improve indoor air quality.
- Open windows daily (weather permitting) to improve airflow and reduce indoor air pollution.
- Replace candles, air fresheners, synthetic scents, and household cleaning supplies with essential oils or natural alternatives.
- Control humidity in your basement or closets (<50%) to prevent mold growth with a dehumidifier.
- Prioritize minimally processed, nutrient-dense foods, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and quality protein. Dr. Nandi recommends eating out no more than once a week. (Heal Your Gut, Save Your Brain, 2024)
- Select organic produce and pasture-raised or grass-fed animal products to minimize exposure to pesticides, herbicides, and antibiotics. We use local J.R. Organics for bi-weekly organic veggie delivery and Wild Pastures Grass-Fed Meat Monthly Subscription.
- Consume seasonal foods for better nutrient density and alignment with natural rhythms.
- Include fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, long-fermented yogurt, or kefir to support gut health.
- Incorporate foods rich in omega-3s (salmon, walnuts, flaxseed) and antioxidants (berries, turmeric, green tea). See Customized Nutrition with Code Complex.
- Slow down, chew thoroughly, give thanks, eat with someone and eat while in a relaxed state to enhance digestion and nutrient absorption.
- Use a high-quality Whole-House Water Filter (or specific 3-stage filtration based on your municipal water) to remove contaminants like chlorine, heavy metals, and microplastics.
- Drink Hydrogen-Rich Water (HRW) consistently throughout the day, avoid drinking HRW during meals to prevent diluting digestive enzymes and to keep a low stomach pH to break down proteins and kill pathogens.
- To improve hydration, add natural electrolytes, like a pinch of Himalayan salt, fresh lemon juice, or trace minerals.
- Use glass or stainless steel containers to reduce exposure to BPA and other harmful chemicals.
- Explore vortexing to mimic the natural structure of spring water.
Pro-tip: Choose one thing to get started with. Years ago, I started with my water (removing plastic bottles) and replaced my makeup one by one. I understand this environment overhall can take some time, but it's worth it!
P.S. Suppressing symptoms (ignoring them) isn’t the solution—they often come back stronger. We can’t outsmart the most intelligent systems in our world: our ecosystems and our body’s physiology. Instead, let’s work with them to restore balance and resilience.
"What if we saw the disease epidemic as a map back to the EARTH? One where illness is not approached as a normal experience but as a result of systems that degrade the EARTH? Perhaps we must be willing to release our binds to systems that thrive on a species riddled with disease and, instead, return to the practices that have always sustained us-remember it is a birthright to interact with our bodies, with one another, and with our environment as a synergistic dance, rather than as a struggle for power and control." Dr. Zach Bush, 2025
Here’s to creating a healthier body and planet,